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Friday, April 24, 2015

Academic Advising Overview for Media Arts Gaming and Animation (MADGA.AAS) Majors

The Academic Advising Center is continuing a new project which will allow students to receive an overview of the requirements of their declared major. In so doing, the Center hopes to utilize the electronic resources at its disposal to provide our students with another method of the best possible academic advising in as efficient a way as possible. This Electronic Advising Packet is for the Media Arts--Gaming and Animation (MADGA.AAS) Degree.

CSC 105--Computer Applications and Systems

ENG 121--English Composition I

MAD 107--Photography I
MAD 113--Two -Dimensional Design
MAD 117--Freehand Drawing

Physical Education (one credit) OR Health Education (three credits)

ART 104--History of Photography OR
ART 124--Art History:Renaissance to Modern OR
ART 125--Art History:Modern and Contemporary

ENG 122--English Composition II (prerequisite of ENG 121 with a minimum grade of "C")

MAD 108--Photography II (prerequisite of MAD 107)
MAD 114--Three--Dimensional Design (prerequisite of MAD 113 and MAD 117)
MAD 118--Graphic Design Skills (prerequisite of MAD 113 and MAD 117)

BUS 101--Business Organization and Management OR
SBM 120--Small Business Administration (Students who take SBM 120 need special permission to enroll in MKT203)

GAM 218--3D Modeling and Animation Foundations (prerequisite of all MAD courses and a corequisite of  GAM 219)

GAM 219--Game Design Foundations (prerequisite of all MAD courses and a corequisite of GAM 218)

GAM 222--Animation Workshop (prerequisite of all MAD courses and GAM 218 and GAM 219 and a corequisite of GAM 223 and GAM 280)

GAM 223--Game Design Workshop (prerequisite of all MAD courses and GAM 218 and GAM 219 and a corequisite of GAM 222 and GAM 280)

GAM 280--Portfolio (prerequisite of all MAD courses and GAM 218 and GAM 219 and a corequisite of GAM 222 and GAM 223)

GE Math or GE Science (3 credits)

GE Humanities Elective OR GE Social Science Elective

MKT 143--Salesmanship OR MKT 203--Principles of Advertising (prerequisite of BUS 101)

GE Social Science Elective

For additional questions, please email the Academic Advising Center at

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